
Steve Martinez

I have been a Saint Timothy Catholic Church member for 27 years and was born and raised Catholic. I am blessed with a supportive wife and two wonderful children, Matthew, 32, and Stephanie, 35.   Additionally, I had a forty-year career in pharmaceutical sales and management.  We all face struggles with the Seven Deadly Sins; one of those sins might be Lust. Did you know that at a recent Christian seminar, when the men in attendance were surveyed anonymously, 90% stated that they struggled with pornography.  

Christian resources are available to help you, books, workshops, sponsors, and counselors. I suggest starting with the book "Every Man's Battle" by Stephen Arterburn, Fred Stoeker with Mike Yorkey. You might even consider attending an "Every Man's Battle" workshop held locally in Irvine, CA.  If you need to speak with someone beyond the clergy about your struggles, I am available, call or text me at 949-244-4184. 

Darrell Plauche

I am an Electrical and General Contractor who has been in the business for +40 years. I have accumulate an enormous amount of experience over the years, in all trades. I can offer advice or direction for any interest in construction, construction management, and possibly help with job placement. I am currently a Project Manager and building homes at the Strand-Dana Point. My mission is to share some of what I have learned over the years, to anyone that wants it. 

Tim Bowman

I am a retired U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer and civil servant with 40+ years experience in leading people and missions.  I devised many new programs for the military and government, and I worked with peers and subordinates along the way in creating and managing projects, and in leading people.  I can provide advice on leadership, program management, and career advancement, and it is always a privilege for me to help others succeed.   

Craig Thomas

Group Mentorship

WEDNESDAY MORNING MEN'S PRAYER BREAKFAST AND SCRIPTURE STUDY - 6:45 - 8:00 am Molly’s restaurant Laguna Niguel  

The breakfast is intended to help those who like to dive into a little deeper water. It’s a support group for the participants and for the parish as a whole. It’s a prayer group and an accountability group, more the prayer group though. It is what you make of it. It can be used as a tool to entice men to deepen their walks, and to fellowship. Everyone contributes in their own way, some in their sharing, some in their listening, and all of us in supporting each other. It is an open catholic men’s breakfast where the Holy Spirit is in charge where we celebrate God’s love and attempt to encourage each other in the journey. It is said we perish for lack of knowledge of God’s love and we try to address that issue at our breakfast. It is a blessing and filled with fun and great guys. No shortage of scripture study guided by Catholic biblical commentaries to help us dig a little deeper. Our pastor, Monsignor John, attends when able and is extremely supportive. Fr. Bruce blessed us with his attendance on occasion back in the day, Deacon Eddie Salgado was a part of our group for years and is still so in spirit, and Fr. Loc stays in touch and wishes he could attend but he has that higher calling to celebrate Mass every Wednesday morning, and most other days at 6:30 am. I think that the Holy Spirit is mentoring all who attend.

Bruce MacVicar

Critical Care Mentorship

I would like to offer my mentorship to Brother’s dealing with a spouse or family member who is bedridden for an extended period of time and who has dementia. I developed empathy for this situation when my wife of 37 years experienced a series of broken leg bones and then developed dementia. I’ve also had 10+ years of experience starting and running small second hand book stores. So, I do know some of the do’s and don’t’s for becoming a retailer. Since my wife’s passing I have dedicated myself to doing little things that lift others up with phone calls, prayers, small money help, etc. 

Herman Indra

I have been following Bishop Robert Barron’s video, lectures, discussion, movies and also his fascinating discussion/debate with Word on Fire fellows and guests, including atheists for the last 10 years. I learn so much about Catholicism, how you can defend your faith, how to evangelize to the nones and draw young people back to God. Please contact me if you want to learn more about it, I’ll be happy to share what I learned from his ministry.